
StrataMax is looking for an experienced StrataMax User for the position of Test Analyst

StrataMax is looking for an experienced StrataMax User for the position of Test Analyst

Do you have experience as a user of the StrataMax software suite?  Do you consider yourself a BCMax ninja? 

If you have solid working experience as a StrataMax user and an interest in software development, we have just the opportunity for you.

We are looking for a passionate, inquisitive, team player with experience of using BCMax and the related modules of the StrataMax software suite to join our development team on the Gold Coast as a quality assurance tester.  We will provide training to the right candidate.  All you have to do is bring your StrataMax system experience, your willingness to learn and a  flexible, positive, team oriented attitude. 

If you are interested and would like to know more, please click this link.


Thursday, March 5, 2020