The Most Comprehensive Strata Software Solution Available
There is a reason more strata managers are moving to StrataMax and staying – no other solution provides the breadth of features and benefits StrataMax provides.
At StrataMax we seek to automate repetitive time-consuming tasks by continually introducing innovative features that revolutionise and streamline the complex process of managing and maintaining strata title buildings, bodies corporate or owners corporations.
Features of the StrataMax software include:
Invoice Hub
The Invoice Hub provides the ability for committee members or building managers to approve invoices online. It includes comprehensive workflow management for invoice processing, making the whole process quick and efficient.
Fully Customisable Owners Portal
This can be themed in the same branding as your building or company to match your visual identity. The portal provides access for reports, payments and more making the relationship between strata management and owners more transparent.
Scheduled Arrears Process
This feature automatically issues notices/letters based on an individual's circumstances. Automatic billing of arrears and notation on owner’s account occurs at every billing period.
Automatic Certificate Generation
The program provides facility for owners to download certificates via the Owner's Portal incorporating an automated online payment system.
Automated Recoveries and Management Fees
It is important to understand what hours are billable in a strata management businesses so automated recoveries are essential. We include a wide variety of chargeable items and billable hours which charge directly to the integrated company accounting package.
Fully Integrated Document Management System
Provides easy access to all strata related documents from directly within the software as well as automated posting to the web.
Electronic Lodgement of BAS Statements
Offers GST setup in either gross or nett style, and includes comprehensive quarterly BAS reporting. SBR integration is available to quickly upload BAS & PAYG data to the ATO Portal.
Advanced Work Order Management System
Includes automatic fax/email quotes, orders, confirmations and rejections.
Sophisticated Key Register
Manage all keys, record deposit amounts, issue receipts and track key allocations right at your finger tips.
Owner Configurable Email/Mailing Preferences
Designed for automated delivery of levy notices and correspondence administered via the Owner Portal.
StrataMax software gives you the following integrated modules to make your job easier and cost efficient.

The various modules stem from the core community management system BCMax and include work order management, document management, cost recoveries, company accounting, communications, electronic banking, online invoice approval and the facility for an online portal. Together they offer breadth and depth in managing all facets of a strata community .
These modules coupled with StrataCash - automated banking and StrataPay - levy collection, ensure you are totally covered.
Check out an overview of each module.